Frequently asked questions

How to get funding

How to apply for funding, and how fast is the application processed?

If you wish to apply for funding, visit the ‘Get funding’ page, where you can submit the application to receive funding. Your application will be processed as quickly as possible depending on the volume of requests, typically, within a couple of business days.

Once you provide the initial information about the project you want to finance, the application process is continued directly with the project manager. The project owner must have a bank account opened in the project owner’s name and must fill in the questionnaire (Annex 1) available in the Rules for reliability assessment of the project owners document. Additional documentation to properly asses the reputation of the borrower may be requested, if necessary.

For more information please refer to the Rules for reliability assessment of the project owners document available here.

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    Who can apply to get financing?

    Any legal entity can contact Crowdpear and apply for financing for real estate acquisition or development, business development projects, working capital, refinancing of existing liabilities, and other business needs.

    When the funding applications are received, each project and its documentation are evaluated based on the internal assessment and risk assessment schemes. Crowdpear decides whether the project or business idea is worth being shared as an investment opportunity on the platform. Crowdpear has a right to decline a funding request if a project is considered too risky, compelling, or for any other reason, that may remain disclosed.

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      How do I know what maximum amount I can get?

      The maximum amount to be borrowed is discussed individually during the application process.

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        What fees are applied to the borrowers?

        The costs applied can be found in the Rates applicable to the users of the crowdfunding platform Crowdpear document, available here.

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          How fast the required amount is collected?

          The required amount may be collected within a couple of days – a few weeks, depending on the investor’s interest in the project.

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            What happens if the requested loan amount is not collected?

            If the requested loan amount is not reached, the collection of investments for the project is canceled. Investors receive the full principal amount + interest earned from the start of the investment until the cancelation of the project date.

            Upon separate agreement between the borrower and Crowdpear, the financing period can be extended, or a lower loan amount can be issued. Any changes in the agreement are discussed with the project manager.

            In case of a project cancelation, corresponding fees for the borrower would be applied.

            For more information, please refer to the Rates applicable to the users of the crowdfunding platform Crowdpear document available here.

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              When the collected amount would reach my account?

              The requested loan would reach your account within a couple of days after the required amount is collected and documents to ensure the guarantees (pledge of the real estate or other assets) are received.

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                Can the conditions of an existing agreement be changed?

                Unfortunately no, the borrower must comply with the conditions of the signed agreement.

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                  Can a loan be repaid earlier?

                  Yes, a loan can be fully or partially repaid early, though administrative fees will apply in such cases. You can find this information, as well as other relevant documents here.

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                    What to do if I am not able to repay the loan?

                    We are open to cooperating and finding a solution to a problem (for example, refinancing of the loan could be discussed), therefore, please get in touch with us as soon as the obstacles arise.

                    In case no solution would be found between the borrower and Crowdpear, the legal recovery process following the normative acts valid in the Republic of Lithuania would be initiated.

                    For more information, please refer to the Procedure for management of defaults and Loan agreement. General conditions documents available here.

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