We inform you that July 6 is a State Day in Lithuania and a day off for the Crowdpear team. Your queries sent to our Client Support on July 6 will be answered the next day.
In Q2, EUR 878 709 was invested in loans on the Crowdpear platform, i.e., 115% more than in the previous quarter. At the end of June, Crowdpear's portfolio amounted to EUR 1,3 million.
Crowdpear is the first crowdfunding platform in Europe to offer its investors a counteroffer solution on the secondary market, which opens the possibility for investors to negotiate the price of investments sold on the secondary market.
Crowdpear increased its share capital from EUR 60 000 to EUR 130 000. The platform is in the final stage of receiving an ECSPR license, and the increase in capital share is a part of the EU-level licensing process. The Bank of Lithuania supervises Crowdpear's activities.