
May 1 is the International Labour Day – a public holiday in many countries. Our Client Support will answer your inquiries received on May 1, the following business day. Also, please consider that banking services on May 1 will be limited, and money transfers may take longer than usual. We wish you a lovely coming weekend.

In Q1 2023, EUR 407 602 was invested in loans on the Crowdpear platform. There are currently 1 369 investors in the Crowdpear investor community, 30% of which actively invest on our platform. The average portfolio size of an actively investing Crowdpear investor is EUR 1162. Crowdpear has the most investors from Germany, France, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Romania.

Crowdpear is a regulated crowdfunding platform to which certain regulatory requirements are applied, including a withholding tax (WHT) of up to 15% on the earned interest. Please note that you can easily reduce the WHT applied on our platform by providing us with a filled DAS-1 form, and we are here to assist you.

We inform you that April 10th (Monday) is a public holiday in our country. Please keep in mind that money transfers may take longer than usual during the Easter holidays. Our Client Support will answer your inquiries received during the Easter holidays, the next business day.