How can I assess my ability to bear loss?  

Crowdpear provides a tool that allows investors to assess their capacity for accepting losses. The calculator to check your ability to bear loss can be found in the ‘Overview’ section of each investor’s personal account.

It is important to note that you cannot make investments until you have not filled out the Investor questionnaire and successfully assessed your ability to bear loss using the calculator (if the situation requires, recalculation could be done at any time). When performing the modeling of the capacity for loss, the net value of the Investor is calculated as follows:

Net value of the investor assets = (net annual income) + (total liquid assets) – (annual financial liabilities)

For more information, please refer to the Procedure for assessing the suitability of crowdfunding transactions and modelling of the capacity for loss.

Note: users must refill the ability to bear loss calculator every two years to continue investing.